Future Talks


I said and I repeat that I am a person with strong ideals and critical thoughts. And at the same time, these ideals are the ones that end up composing me. In all work there is always a personal part that intertwines, and ends up giving that different point of view unique to each one of us. As we have seen with each of the guests, but even more so with Laura Forlano.

But when it comes to asking myself what makes me unique, I have a lot of problems. Because I consider that everything I do is unique, but at the same time nothing is mine. We are part of a revolution of generations and generations. So feeling that something is mine doesn't make any sense, because there is always the prior knowledge. But in reality, the only thing I feel that makes me different is that I have nothing.

When you have nothing and you are aware of it, it means you have nothing to lose. So it gives you the opportunity to do everything. Because in this system the lazy and the poor are the ones who should rule. Because the one always finds the fastest way to do things and the other is not afraid of the risk of innovating. In that sense it is optimisation of profit and innovation. How good things sound when they are technically named. But how ignorant we are of the correct use of words. I would like to say that I am lazy, and in many ways I am. But if I stop working it is out of anger and disobedience, not rest.

I don't like to say what I will or won't do, because they are all fantasies. They are realities that, as a worker, I don't want to tell them. I will always dream them, it is important, but not to say them. Because when something is said, it becomes partly real. And the fall into reality if it is not fulfilled hurts much more. For these reasons, I am inclined to keep my dreams silent, and to tell the stories that have made them come true once they are fulfilled. My only goal in life is to continue to contribute to the betterment of society, with responsibility and faith in my ideals. To care and to respect.

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