Atlas of Weak Signals


The main topics that I want to focus my reflection will be;

The power of the work

The imposition of a status to be able to fit inside the society came directly from the work. And that depends on the recourses that you had and your abilities. Although, do not forget about the class struggle, that defends our borders in our lives. Even though the society of capitalism, as liberalism mentality, implicates a topical philosophy, about free market and same opportunities. We have been seen that they are not true. Once that the privatization of the necessary institutions (education, health, mobility, electricity, etc.) are made because of money and not to improve a society. Then gives privilege with the resources and provokes the differentiation of the classes and the borders between them. Giving to one's opportunities that others never gonna has had.

I mean an imposition because at the end, we are humans, and most important, we are animals. Animals that need to be in a community. We cannot survive healthy been alone. And the most common way to build a community is with the jobs, and with that it contributes in the society.

In fact, we use our jobs to define ourselves. Nonetheless, the job just proves that you know the knowledge of it, not who you are. In other matters, we do not know how to present ourselves without a background of studies or work or experiences. Even worse, we think that we have the position of choosing and being what we want. And with that, that we are able to choose about what we want to contribute to the society. It's a fallacy. Living in a society, you are never gonna be able to chose for you alone. Furthermore, in the capitalism you will need the base of your class status and legal papers, such as the abilities and the opportunities.

The social internet

A personal opinion and queries that it might happens just in my mind. One of them is that the creation of the internet is the biggest manifestation of the human interaction as a society. The implication of the communication between different networks to be able to arrive at the main point. And the interference that can became for that.

Besides, the behavior of the people that adapt to technology has the need for immediacy. That is to say, not only the internet is the copy of the communication process between the humans, also, contribute creating new demands and behaviors of humans. Whereas collaborate on economical process.

On the other hand, we have the news, the fake news and the art of distribution and reporting. With the tool of social media becomes easier to create interaction and reaction between the current events. Leaving the criteria of the individual to the contribution in the social media, and the belief of the truth, justice and responsibilities.

The state boundaries

What is the state?
Why is it pushing me?
What is a paper, more than a tree?
What is legal | without choosing?

Captive Liberty
Trying to imagine the line that separates my hand to yours.
Making them invisible.
Making them unable to be, to exist, to breath, to life, to die.

To be.

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