Micro Challenge III

Here you can find the repository of our third challange.

For this challenge the aim is to collect data from citizens to give their opinion on the redesign of the litter bins. For this we need a design that is inclusive and creates an impact, and that can be understood.

We have divided the workload between all of us. While some are designing the mechanism for the buttons that will mark our input from the participants, others are working on the electronics and finally the code. For this Borka has designed the buttons with Angel. Roberto has focused on the electronics with Angel's help as well. While I have focused on the code, written in phyton, with the help of Pietro.

For the electronics we use a raspberry pi and phyton code. Because we want to implement audios in the code and the other boards don't support that process. I had never worked with a Raspberry before, but I had used Phyton language at university, but 4 years ago. So I didn't remember much either.

I was able to do the workflow without any problem, but to write the code I needed Pietro's help. We had to download some libraries that would allow us to play the audios correctly.

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